miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013


our water project song:

                                             i know a place where the water is dying
                                       one drop of wa, there must be toxins in the water
                            there's something bad in there and we need to take care of water
                                          kids need water and water goig out of planet
                               you can travel de world, but don't forget to close the faucet
                        when you brush your theets , you need to close the key and save water
                                              save the water is undispensable
                                              love and hope to save the water
                                       sun , kiss , water to make our porpouse
                                              save the water is undispensable
                                              love and hope to save the water

survey :

we interview 15 people, and we make 6 multiple choce questions and 4 open questions and the conclutions were :

now days many people are starting to be conscious of taking care of water ,and that we are lucky , because we have a good acces of potable water avoiding sickness and more , also that it will be nice if the whetlands become natural reservesalso that we can not thing only in us also in the animals that are affected.


in the brocure you can see many thigs of our proyect :

1st draft

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013


The basis of the economy was agriculture, founded on the cultivation of cereals, grapes, olives, fruit, vegetables, flax textile fiber and, in some cases, irrigated land. There was communal property, but not the only means of holding. The private land could be inherited, sold and even alienated, not the common property that should always remain in the hands of the community and should be devoted to its own advantage. It appears, however, that there was some kind of agrarian collectivism in which many farmers worked together in the same land, but has not been given a satisfactory explanation to this model of tenure.
Despite the preponderance of the agricultural world, wealth is counted by the number of head of cattle owned. In computing cattle included women, slaves, and various utensils.
The theft was prosecuted and punished harshly. Not so piracy, which originally was used only against foreign nationals could be that even some cops were funded and safely by the aristocracy of many of them.
The polis was before anything else a community of citizens, this means that it was not Athens, but the Athenians nor the Spartans Sparta but they made ​​the decisions, his was the representative. Above the city, above all else, was the community, it was expendable to the common good, even the city itself; Athens could be destroyed, and it was, but the Athenians continue to uphold its spirit and collective consciousness .
Politically, the polis was a largely agrarian community, small in size, fully sovereign and independent. All cops orbited on communal meeting place where decisions were made and meetings were held.
Aristotle tells us, the cops had their origin in the union of several clans and villages. Geographically the cops were formed by the concentrated urban core where religious and political functions, and the territory (chora) that could accommodate different habitats. There was no dichotomy between town and country, thanks mainly to the Greek idea of ​​synoecism, ie the voluntary union of diverse peoples to form a state in which all citizens had the same rights.

The Greeks were polytheistic: several deities worshiped. Primarily honoring the gods (theoi) and heroes. Each of them could be invoked under different aspects depending on the place of worship and the role played. These gods endowed with supernatural powers, under the same name, could present a multiplicity of ways. The cultural epithets (the epiclesis), indicated its nature and scope of intervention. There was, for example, Keraunos Zeus (thunder), Polieo (guardian of political order, the polis), Horkios (guarantor of oaths and covenants), Ktésios (protector of property), Herkeios (guardian of the enclosure, the fold), Xenios (protector of guests and foreigners). The other figures in the Greek pantheon were also this scheme

The myth, as a means of explaining contemporary events through assimilation with events that happened to legendary characters who lived in a different reality to that of the Greeks, and as a source of foggy memories of a past, was raised in Greece to a complex corpus, but very useful piecemeal, which eventually lead to what is known as Greek Mythology.
A mid-seventh century B.C. was a series of great lyric poets who composed works in which they knew perfectly describe the world around them and lyric poetry rose to the highest levels in society, so much so that many of them held important positions in the political and religious life of the polis. Some of these authors were Terpander, Arion, Aristóclides, Períclito, or Sappho Alcaeus of Mytilene.
The fundamental characteristic of archaic lyric was the combination of monody and choir on one side, and on the other monody and dance. Sappho, Alcaeus and Anacreon were the leading exponents of monodic lyric. Regarding the choral lyric, Alcman of Sparta and Stesichorus of Himera were perhaps the highest exponents.
Greek historiography was born on the coast of Ionia in the late sixth century BC, precisely because of the geographical situation that turned the region into a clearinghouse of ideas eastern, Greek and Anatolian, ideas that had to be collected in files as chronic.
The most famous of the Greek historians was archaic Hecataeus of Miletus who lived in the sixth century BC and V From his work only fragments have arrived, but the tradition has made him the author of a description or Periegesis Lands and a History or Genealogy. The first would be a geographical and historical works on Asia and Europe, while the second would refer to the gods and heroes

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

the water

the water in latín américa 

in latín América  77 million of people have lack access to safe water connection in there homes but the most afected are the rural residents with a 51 million of people this problem has affectted to the lives and work of the people that pass by these situation 

less than a 14 percent of of houses are treated with sanation plants this is why many people have health problems because when the water is contaminated and you drink it the bacteria of the water will enter to your body and this make you gett sick.

the water in the world
The Water Triangle is Pure Water’s simple model of the three essential steps needed to solve the problems of related to waterborne disease:

DRINK: The first step in establishing a pure water system is to remove contaminants from a water source, so that people can drink it.
WASH: The second step is basic health and hygiene education, which is essential to change behaviors and establish good hygiene habits.
WASTE: The final step of a pure water system is the appropriate management of human waste.
This comprehensive solution is at the heart of what Pure Water does. We do it to last – bringing the simple equipment and education needed for a lifetime of better health. We do it by hiring local teams and working actively to develop community oversight.
And you make it possible. Thank you for your continuing support.

Improving lives one drop at a time.

If you live in a place where clean drinking water is taken for granted, it can be difficult to grasp the scarcity of clean water and adequate sanitation. Worldwide:
  • 1 in 5 people on Earth have no access to safe water to drink.
    5,000 children die every day as a result.
  • One third of the world’s people lack adequate sanitation.
  • For much of the world, effective hygiene is either impractical or not understood.
The consequences of these three deficiencies together — lack of clean water, hygiene, and sanitation — are devastating. Worldwide, millions are sickened by diarrheal disease and weakened by parasites, and 15,000 die each and every day.
But it doesn’t stop there.
When children are sick, they can’t go to school. Often a mother or sibling must stay with a sick child — and she in turn is unable to work or go to school. Recurring waterborne diseases lock families, communities, and nations into a cycle of endless poverty and lack of opportunity.

the water

the water is a substance the molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen (H2O). It is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. The term water generally refers to the substance in its liquid state, but it may be in solid form ice call, and in gaseous form called steam. Water covers 71% of the surface of the cortex terrestre.2 is mainly localized in the oceans which accounts for 96.5% of the total water, glaciers and ice caps have 1.74%, underground reservoirs (aquifers ), the permafrost and continental glaciers account for 1.72% and 0.04% remaining in descending order is split between lakes, soil moisture, air, reservoirs, rivers and vivos.3 beings water is a common element solar system, as confirmed by recent discoveries. Can be found, mainly, in the form of ice, in fact, is the base material of comets and steam which composes their tails.

types of water

Water can be present in three states being one of the few substances that can be found in three states so natural.9 Water adopts very different forms on Earth: as water vapor, forming clouds in the air and seawater , possibly in the form of icebergs in the oceans, glaciers and rivers in the mountains, and underground aquifers in liquid form.
Water can dissolve many substances, giving them different flavors and odors. Because of its essential role for life, man-among many other animals have developed senses, able to evaluate the potability of water, avoiding the consumption of salty or putrid. Humans also tend to prefer cold water consumption which is warm, as cold water is less likely to contain germs. The flavor perceptible in meltwater and mineral water derives from the minerals dissolved in it, in fact pure water is tasteless. To regulate human consumption is calculated based on water purity of the presence of toxins, pollutants and microorganisms. Water has many names, depending on its form and features.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

3 term


A fairy is a fantastic and ethereal creature, usually personified as a beautiful woman, who according to tradition are protective of nature, a product of the imagination, tradition or belief and belonging to the fabulous world of elves, gnomes, goblins , mermaids and giants that gives color to the legends and myths of all ancient peoples. It can cause them to develop contact with ethereal vision according to the legends. Most of them are depicted with wings.

The Celtic legends speak of the kingdom of Aes Sidhe also known in English as the Fairy Folk, it is important to stress that there is talk of the Victorian conception of the Fairies, these tiny beings with butterfly wings, which are actually pixies. The Aes Sidhe, are semi-divine beings that live between this and the other world, with important connections with nature and the deities, most stories portray them as people not very high, but human-looking and tall, fair-skinned, blue eyes and black hair.

some types of fairies are:

Lamia, fairy Basque mythology. They have long hair that comb with gold combs that are very precious. Their feet are webbed like a duck, except to Itxaslamiak, marine lamias, like sirens.

Nymphs, fairies of Greek mythology that can be:

Naiads: Nymphs that inhabit rivers, sometimes they are daughters of these, for example, Eurydice;

Nereids: Mediterranean sea nymphs, daughters of Nereus. They are sometimes described as women with fish tails. Stand Amphitrite and Thetis;

Oceanids: ocean nymphs, daughters of this. Highlights Metis (mother of Athena) and Doris (mother of the Nereids);

Dryads: Nymphs of the woods, sometimes associated with oaks;

Hamadryads: Nymphs tied to a particular tree so that if it was cut, the nymph died with him;

Melíades: Nymphs of the ash, born from the blood of Uranus (God of Heaven). They are older nymphs.

Mermaids, fairies of the seas from various mythologies (Assyrian, Chinese, Greek, Celtic, Cantabria) With their songs often lure sailors to their deaths on the rocks. Greek sirens emphasize that, unlike other birds have body and head and breasts of a woman. Almost all sirens are distinguished by having a fish tail instead of legs.

Sylphs, fairies winds; Paracelsus is the first to mention them, and are, according to him, the air elemental beings.

Salamanders, fire fairy.

Drinfas, Fairy Land.


lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

festivals around the world

BRAZIL, Bahia festival
Carnival in Bahia, also known as the Carnival of Salvador is one of the most important in Brazil. Bay City being more influenced by the Yoruba tradition, contains substantially its features and makes us an unforgettable experience.
Bahia Carnival, which is held in the city of Salvador, capital of Bahia, is one of the festivals that occur homologous with the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro. It made ​​six days before Ash Wednesday and symbolizes a revival of Yoruba culture.
This Carnival, although similar origins to that held in Rio de Janeiro, has several structural differences. However, the traditional essence thereof remains intact.
The basis of the Carnival bands are accompanied by blocos, which cross the city on some trucks conditioners. These groups are influenced by the Yoruba tradition, like the rest of the carnival. The activity takes place mostly in the area known as Upper Town, located near the Plaza Antonio Castro Alves.
Then for three days and three nights the streets are filled with groups called electric, which the rhythm of African music keep us in suspense, among the festivities. Because this Carnival takes place in the streets, given the possibility that we will see no need to pay a fee.
Unlike Rio Carnival which takes place in the Sambadrome, the Carnival of Salvador was performed outdoors allowing access
and more direct involvement. For many it means participating Carnival festivities but be the same.
However, it is possible for a fee of better places to live from Carnival. There is an area closer to the electric trios. But if you do not want to pay, you may be in the midst of Carnival and enjoy all its features at a low cost.
The Carnival celebration in Buenos Aires has a style somewhat different from the previous. Keep the joy and excitement though less spectacular but more emotional. It consists of groups called murgas and parades are called Corsicans. They are made in the main avenues of the city during the night. The most famous is performed on Avenida de Mayo and kicks off the carnival festivities in the City of Buenos Aires.
Murgas come from all parts of the city and are made ​​up of adults and children. All compounds costumes look colorful coat, gloves, hat and cane, in the style of the ancient knights. Dancing and prancing breaks loose while his arms and legs in the air. The result is a crazy and fun dance. Musical instruments are the bass drum and cymbals.
The Buenos Aires is a historic carnival. It is rooted in the meetings being made by slaves to honor their gods. In 1869 he made ​​the first Corsican in which black groups marched with white painted themselves black face and hands, all disguised.
Carnival Cali
In 2008 turned fifty. It is one of the most recognized festivals locals and visitors. Also known as the Cane Fair and Salsa. Held in December, from 25 to 30 and in its programming se destacan the ride, and Cali Viejo Parade, bullfighting, the pubs, the commoner reign and the reign of Sugarcane, sport and Fair recreation, collectors and salsa, and the Super Concert chiquiferia.

Music concerts with the participation of U.S. orchestras, Cuba and the Caribbean, and Colombian orchestras, have become the main activity of the fair. This was not always the case, as the Feria de Cali began bullfighting as an exclusive, and verbenas and orchestral concerts were gradually introduced to provide entertainment for most people during the December. One of the flagship events is the Salsódromo, unique setting in which to enjoy the music lovers and contest submissions that develops between the various salsa bands


halloween also know as dead's night is a party of celta's origin it starts with a belief that said that on october 31 on our calendar the spirits could leave the cemetery and take over the bodies of the living to resurrect. To avoid this, the Celtic villages and houses littered the "decorated" with bones, skulls and other nasty things so that dead long pass scared,from there the tradition of decorating houses with sinister motives in the current Halloween saints and costumes. It is, therefore, a party associated with the coming of the pagan gods to life.

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

important questions

important questions

why did i create this blog?
Icreate this blog because is an school project that we have in english that is so nice and interesting in which you learn a lot and have a good time
why is your school the best option to study in ?
my school is the best option to study in because our students are going to learn a lot of things but in a funny way, also because we are going to have the most trained teachers of all

wich aspects are similar and different from als?

similar aspects
some similart aspects are that you learn many lenguages you can do many different activities you have to use uniform there are many similar classes

diffent aspects 
some diffirent aspects are that our school is located in the beach thet we have a pool in the school tht in our school you lern more lenguages than in als that you can use more technology in our school than in als that in our school thre are more ludical activities
and that the transport is different.