sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

important questions

important questions

why did i create this blog?
Icreate this blog because is an school project that we have in english that is so nice and interesting in which you learn a lot and have a good time
why is your school the best option to study in ?
my school is the best option to study in because our students are going to learn a lot of things but in a funny way, also because we are going to have the most trained teachers of all

wich aspects are similar and different from als?

similar aspects
some similart aspects are that you learn many lenguages you can do many different activities you have to use uniform there are many similar classes

diffent aspects 
some diffirent aspects are that our school is located in the beach thet we have a pool in the school tht in our school you lern more lenguages than in als that you can use more technology in our school than in als that in our school thre are more ludical activities
and that the transport is different.


general info

location: saint marteen island

our values:
honesty                                responsabilite
perseverance                       dilligent
respect                                 honourable
frienship                              objective

if you really want , you really  do it

our simbol:

we choose this simbol because represents natur, and that you are having a relaxing time

our pet:

we choose this pet because it represents all values , because this animal is so friendly and also one of the most inteligent animals.

mission and vision :

our mision is that our students have the best education ever, also that our students have values and that they for in a perfectly way.

our expectations in the future are to be the best d
school that have exist, that our students learn in a funny and different way ,that they complete all they expectations an that they be the best in all what they do.



school proyect