miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013


our water project song:

                                             i know a place where the water is dying
                                       one drop of wa, there must be toxins in the water
                            there's something bad in there and we need to take care of water
                                          kids need water and water goig out of planet
                               you can travel de world, but don't forget to close the faucet
                        when you brush your theets , you need to close the key and save water
                                              save the water is undispensable
                                              love and hope to save the water
                                       sun , kiss , water to make our porpouse
                                              save the water is undispensable
                                              love and hope to save the water

survey :

we interview 15 people, and we make 6 multiple choce questions and 4 open questions and the conclutions were :

now days many people are starting to be conscious of taking care of water ,and that we are lucky , because we have a good acces of potable water avoiding sickness and more , also that it will be nice if the whetlands become natural reservesalso that we can not thing only in us also in the animals that are affected.


in the brocure you can see many thigs of our proyect :

1st draft